Mohammed ElBaradei was the Director General of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency from 1997- 2009. As DG of IAEA he was the key person who handled high stake conflicts relating to nuclear matters and set a high bench mark in nuclear diplomacy. ElBaradei’s vivid narrative gives even the ordinary reader an understanding of this esoteric subject.
Divided in 12 Chapters, the book is a mix and match of debate and dialogue over sensitive nuclear issues with critical states like Iraq, North Korea, Iran and Libya. It is also the reflection and introspection of the author during his dealing with the nuclear states.
Mr. ElBaradei’s account gives us a peek inside the nuclear fray, from back door channels exchanges in US and Baghdad, and to the Pyongyang which was aspiring to become a nuclear power. As director IAEA he endeavored to make it function not as a spy, or security agency, but took steps to look for qualitative and quantitative discrepancies in treating the concerned states with dignity they deserved. In doing so he had to confront the Bush administration’s hard core policies on Iraq, containment of the ambitious North Korea, and the West’s stand off with Iran. He conduct, as IAEA Chief, presented him to the world as a unique independent voice, which was equally credible both in the Arab world and the West. He also established the IAEA’s credentials as a neutral regulatory authority.