Robert D. Kaplan, Earning the Rockies: How Geography Shapes America’s Role in the World
There are many constituents of national power, but for Robert D. Kaplan “geography is the starting point of history and culture” and largely determines the role and influence of different states in global politics. Kaplan’s fascination with geography and geopolitics has been a constant theme and recurring motif in his works, be it in Revenge of Geography, Balkan Ghost or Asia’s Cauldron. Kaplan’s geopolitical insights are a result of his historical knowledge and extensive travels across the world.
Earning the Rockies: How Geography Shapes America’s Role in the World is no different except for the fact that, this time he turns inward and undertakes a journey across America. Kaplan’s meditations and reflection on geography rendered in eloquent prose and his silent observance interspersed with historical vignette make this book an engrossing read. The theme that courses throughout the book is how American geography has been pivotal in enabling it to become a global power with preponderance of influence. Inspired by his truckdriver father and childhood experiences of travel, Kaplan embarks on a road trip from east to west America.