Vol. 2 No. 2&3 (2014): CISS Insight Quarterly News & Views, June - Sep 2014

Changing Security Dynamics in Asia Pacific Region

Mr. Khusrow Akkas Abbasi
Research Assistant at the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS)
CISS Insight Journal 2014
Published October 12, 2015
How to Cite
Mr. Khusrow Akkas Abbasi. (2015). Changing Security Dynamics in Asia Pacific Region. CISS Insight Journal, 2(2&3), Vol.2,No.3 P10-22. Retrieved from http://journal.ciss.org.pk/index.php/ciss-insight/article/view/179


Recent developments in Asia Pacific region, primarily because of US rebalancing strategy, have multiplier effect on its geo-strategic environment. Rivalries between states have become more pronounced. Asia Pacific region has two nuclear powers and two powers i.e. Japan and South Korea which have the necessary technological base and knowledge to develop nuclear weapons. These are sometime referred to as technological deterrent powers on the basis of their ability to go nuclear at a short notice.

The Asia Pacific region may become world’s most complex nuclear environment in the 21st century. The region’s existing nuclear powers are continuously modernizing and expanding their capabilities. There is a serious risk that several other states may be caught in security dilemma and opt to nuclearize themselves in years ahead. Intensifying potential dyadic and triadic rivalries, the possible proliferation of nuclear capabilities, and the potential of further change in US policies will impact stability throughout the region, and complicate the efforts to achieve objectives of the international nonproliferation regime.